Economic Research
Our Quantitative Toolkit
MIVI is the toolkit used by Saratoga Capital Management, LLC (Saratoga) in its asset allocation modeling process. The statistics that comprise MIVI are the foundation of Saratoga's asset allocation research. MIVI incorporates roughly 50 macro-economic statistics, and is an acronym for the four main categories these underlying statistics fall into:
Monetary Policy | Interest Rates | Valuations | Inflation Statistics
To analyze the capital markets, Saratoga primarily studies the historical and current relationships between economic developments and capital market trends. Our goal is to understand how many of the economic sectors that make up the capital markets (e.g., large capitalization growth, financial services, international equity, etc.) might react in the current economic environment. MIVI helps paint a data-driven picture of current and past economic environments which we can use to shed light on the dynamic between various economic sectors. This guides us in our determination for when it is appropriate to adjust our asset allocation strategy. Should the large capitalization growth sector be overweighted versus large capitalization value? Should equity sectors be underweighted versus fixed income sectors, in general? MIVI helps us answer these questions, and more.
Updated Quarterly
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Economic Leading
Statistics® (ELS)
Where is the Economy Headed?
The Economic Leading Statistics® index (ELS) is a proprietary index produced by Saratoga Capital Management, LLC (Saratoga). The purpose of the index is to signal, generally speaking, whether the US economy is expanding or contracting. As its name suggests, ELS is intended to lead other measures of economic expansion/contraction, and has historically provided a reliable indication of where US Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is headed in the months ahead. While ELS might tell us whether an expansion or contraction is headed our way, it generally doesn’t tell us the strength of that movement; we have other indicators for that. ELS is comprised of ten underlying metrics, including Housing Starts, Retail Sales, Industrial Production, Saratoga’s own Consumption Modification Index® (CMI), readings from a number of United States’ debt instruments, and monetary policy figures. Index readings begin in January 1960. Saratoga uses ELS in a number of ways, however it is often most helpful in establishing a confidence level in GDP data using the index’s three month average against GDP. The normal range for ELS’ three month average is -30 to +30. When we refer to ELS readings below, we will be referring to this three month average.
When combined with Saratoga’s additional proprietary indices, such as our Economic Strength Monitor™ and our Consumption Modification Index®, ELS may help us to understand if the economy is expanding or contracting, if current economic trends will continue, and what the nature of the economy may mean for various investment strategies or sectors.
Updated Monthly
Click to Image to View Current ELS
Economic Strength
Monitor™ (ESM)
How Strong is the Current Economy?
The Economic Strength Monitor™ (ESM) is a proprietary index produced by Saratoga Capital Management, LLC (SCM). The purpose of the index is to understand, in general terms, the relative strength of the US economy. The index has historically helped us to figure out whether, and to what degree, the Federal Reserve (Fed) is likely to adjust the Federal Funds Rate in the near future. ESM is a here-and-now index, meaning that it is best used to help us understand how “hot” or “cold” the current economy is, as opposed to the direction in which the economy is headed (Saratoga’s Economic Leading Statistics® index helps us with directional forecasting).
ESM includes 14 underlying metrics, such as Housing Starts and New Home Sales, Retail Sales, a number of Manufacturing data points, Consumer Confidence, key pieces of Employment data and others. Index readings begin in January 1960. The index is calculated as a raw number, with a normal range of 0 to 100. Generally speaking, index moves up or down in the 20-30 point range put us on notice that further examination of index trends is necessary and that the Fed may be ready to adjust rates. When combined with SCM’s additional proprietary indices, such as our Economic Leading Statistics® index and our Consumption Modification Index®, ESM may help us to understand if the economy is expanding or contracting, if current economic trends will continue, and what the nature of the economy may mean for various investment strategies or sectors.
Updated Monthly
Click Image to View Current ESM