Saratoga's Performance
& Allocation Update
Saratoga's Performance & Allocation Update provides an allocation and performance overview for ten of Saratoga's core asset allocation models. In addition, you'll find performance for the models' underlying mutual funds on the back page.
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Asset Allocation Model Disclosure
Saratoga Capital Management, LLC does not advise individual investors; asset allocation models are provided for informational purposes only. Investors interested in using these asset allocation models should consult an investment advisor who can provide individualized advice on how to employ the models and what investment vehicles may be appropriate to use inside of them. Performance is model performance; it is not specific to any given investor or composite of investors. Saratoga's asset allocation models are subject to change without notice. All investment methodologies and strategies have risks, both general and strategy-specific, including the risk of loss of principal investment. Asset allocation does not guarantee against a loss.
Information herein was obtained from recognized statistical services and other sources believed to be reliable, however we cannot make any representation as to its completeness or accuracy.