Saratoga Large
Capitalization Value Fund
Fund Facts
September 1, 1994
Fund Type
Core Equity
Institutional Sub-Advisor
MD Sass Investor Services, Inc.
About the Sub-Advisor
Founded in 1972, MD Sass Investors Services, Inc. (MD Sass) is an independent, privately-owned investment manager advising assets for family offices, high net worth individuals, and institutional investors such as corporations, endowments and foundations.
Investment Style
In determining which securities to buy, hold or sell, MD Sass focuses its investment selection on finding high quality companies with compelling valuations, measurable catalysts to unlock value and above-average long-term earning growth potential. In general, MD Sass looks for companies that have value-added product lines to help preserve pricing power, a strong history of free cash flow generation, strong balance sheets, competent management with no record of misleading shareholders, and financially sound customers. Independent research is used to produce estimates for future earnings, which are inputs into MD Sass' proprietary valuation model. MD Sass focuses its investments where it has a differentiated view and there exists, in its view, significant price appreciation potential to its estimate of a stock's intrinsic value.