Aggressive Balanced
Model 179
There are three ways to use Saratoga’s asset allocation models
Saratoga’S Allocation Mutual Funds
Saratoga’s Direct Model Program
Aggressive Balanced
Saratoga Capital Management, LLC's Aggressive Balanced Model, also known as Model 179, began in September of 1994. To view the model's current quarterly model profile, please click the image to the right.
To learn more about the model's historical asset allocation postures, scroll down to the 'Historical Allocation Postures' section. To see the model's current allocation posture, continue down to the 'Current Allocation Posture' section.
Saratoga Capital Management, LLC does not advise individual clients. To access Saratoga's asset allocation models, please contact your financial advisor.
Click the image to receive the Allocation Model Profile
Historical Allocation Postures
At Saratoga Capital Management, LLC we believe that asset allocation strategies should change when the economy experiences major changes. As the market moves between phases such as full-growth, slow-growth, recession and crawl-out, Saratoga considers changes to its asset allocation models. Saratoga employs an asset allocation process called Dynamic Asset Allocation. Dynamic Asset Allocation recognizes that the overall economy is fluid, and is comprised of numerous economic sectors. Saratoga regularly evaluates how individual economic sectors are effecting the general economy in order to develop our asset allocation parameters. After these parameters are established, the below asset classes are over-weighted or under-weighted in the various asset allocation models to reflect the economic environment we believe we are currently in.
The following chart shows the ratio of Core Equity, Sector Equity, Alternative and Fixed Income asset classes in the model.
Large Cap Growth
Large Cap Value
Mid Capitalization
Small Capitalization
International Equity
Sector Equity
Health & Biotechnology
Technology & Communications
Financial Services
Energy & Basic Materials
Global Real Estate
Real Return/Hedged Income
Fixed Income
Investment Quality Bond
Municipal Bond
U.S. Government Money Market
Current Allocation Posture
Saratoga's most recent asset allocation change occurred on February 26, 2021. To learn more about Saratoga Capital Management, LLC's economic research and analytics, please click here to open our asset allocation methodology overview.
Saratoga Asset Allocation Model Lineup
Asset Allocation Model Disclosure
Saratoga Capital Management, LLC does not advise individual investors; asset allocation models are provided for informational purposes only. Investors interested in using these asset allocation models should consult an investment advisor who can provide individualized advice on how to employ the models and what investment vehicles may be appropriate to use inside of them. Performance is model performance; it is not specific to any given investor or composite of investors. Saratoga's asset allocation models are subject to change without notice. All investment methodologies and strategies have risks, both general and strategy-specific, including the risk of loss of principal investment. Asset allocation does not guarantee against a loss.
Information herein was obtained from recognized statistical services and other sources believed to be reliable, however we cannot make any representation as to its completeness or accuracy.